Italian cardinal; Prefect of the Congregation of Rites; papal diplomat; Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and Relics. Prefect of the office of economic planning of the Sac. Congr. for the Propagation of the Faith; President of the general administration of the Chamber of Despoilments; Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
DS - Document Signed. Two sides of stationery bearing his blind-embossed seal. In a fine secretarial hand, signed at the conclusion by Cardinal Aloisi. Reads: This is a letter certifying that:Joachim (Gioacchino) Antonelli, after having passed exams for both Canon and Civil law, in the presence of the Congregation of Sacred Rites, petitioned Leo the XIII to be accepted as a lawyer there. The Cardinal of the Congregation by decree granted for him to be enlisted as a lawyer of the Congregation of Sacred Rites giving him permission to hear cases there on April 28, 1890. Signed by Cardinal (Masalla?)Dated the 24th of February, 1896.
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