Italian cardinal; vicar general of Rome; Prefect of the Sac. Congr. of Bishops and Regulars, among other posts.
LS - Letter Signed. One page with integral address panel featuring blind embossed paper-wax seal. Addressed to Giuseppe Pianetti, Boishop of Todi. The cardinal informs Pianetti that the nuns of the Holy Trinity Monastery have petition the sacred congregation for faculties (permission) to re-elect the current vicar for three more years, which at least two-thirds of the nuns of the chapter had elected in a blind vote. While signed by Carpegna, the letter was accomplished in a fine secretarial hand by Lorenzo Trotti, archbishop of Pavia (count of Casale Carmello and Bobbio) who died one month after this letter was written. Letter signed by both Cardinal Carpegna and Bishop Trotti.
Carpegna held numerous other offices: assigned to the Apostolic Signature of Justice and Grace; secretary of the Sac. Congr. of Waters; Auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota. Consultor of the Sac. Congr. of the Roman and Universal Inquisition. Datary of the pope.
Carpegna was an influential member of the Curia, and associated with numerous congregations. He was a member of the cultural Arcadia Society in 1695, skilled in court maneuvers, very severe in repressing abuses, and also attempted to gain the papacy in the Conclave of 1689, which ended up elevating Alexander VIII Ottoboni. The hostility of France and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to his candidacy blocked Carpegna's election.
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