Italian cardinal and long-time papal diplomat. Created a cardinal in 2007.
TLS – Typewritten Letter Signed, one page, 1972, as an official of the Secretariat of State. Addressed to an unknown professor. Reads: This will acknowledge your letter concerning an audience. A necessary prior commitment prevented me from responding more promptly. The appropriate offices have been informed of your forthcoming visit. On your arrival in Rome, please make contact with the Prefecture of the Papal Household to arrange for delivery of your tickets. The audience is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for your good words and I reciprocate the compliments and good wishes and commend myself to your prayers.
NOTA BENE: we also have a Christmas card from 2005 signed by Cardinal Coppa which features him on the cover with Pope St. John Paul II – PRICE $65
Coppa held several diplomatic posts in Czechoslovakia, Slovakia and was Apostolic Nuncio-Emeritus to Czechoslovakia.
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