Italian cardinal; auditor-general of the Papal States under Pope Alexander VII. He came a close advisor to Cardinal Emilio Altieri. At the conclave of 1669-70, Alteri was elected Clement X. Since there were no more male descendants in the Alteri family, Clement adopted Paluzzo and he changed his name in honor of his new adoptive uncle. Alteri held numerous other Curial posts including that of Prefect of the Sacred Consulta Propaganda Fide, Camerlengo and Crown-cardinal of Ireland. Between 1673-77 he was legate and Urbino and Secretary of Apostolic Briefs. Altieri was appointed, or appointed himself, to so many positions he was accused by his contemporaries of megalomania. Though he had established a well-regarded ecclesiastic career, his limited diplomatic experience caused problems for the Pope and for the Holy See, even after Clement's death.
LS - Letter Signed, one page with integral address panel (paper-wax embossed seal still intact but removed wax seal has also erased some of the addressee info. Appears to have been written to a Canon in the diocese of Ponzano. Dated 31 December 1687. On first glance seems to be acknowledgement of Christmas greetings but merits further research. Untranslated. Very good.
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