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Austrian born writer, poet, Indologist and historian of religion. Also known as Varnana Dasa.


ANS - Autograph Note Signed, 21 April 1931, Linden, NJ.  Reads:  Your letter from March 24 met me in America where I am making studies for the second volume of 'Zodiak'. Many thanks for your great kindness in sending me the review and the postcard with the tower. Perhaps you will be interested that the American edition of 'Zodiak' will appear at Harpers. Hours very truly...


In pursuit of his religious and philosophical interest, Eidlitz leeft his family in 1938 and traveled to India. Spent time in an interment camp in Indian during WWII, where he converted to Hinduism by German Bhkta Sadananda Swami. Eidlitz was initiated into Gaudiya Vaishnavism by Bhakti Hridaya Bon Swami. He moved to Sweden in 1946. In 1975, Eidlitz received an honorary doctoral degree from Lund University. He wrote about his spiritual journey in his autobiography.



EIDLITZ, WALTHER (1892-1976)

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