Italian cardinal; archbishop of Bologna; archbishop of Ravenna. Papabile in the conclave of 1963. One of the most influential cardinals in the post-Councilar liturgical movement.
TLS - Typewritten Letter Signed, one page, 1961, on his heraldic-crested stationery. Writes to an official about presiding over a first communion ceremony at Santa Cresima ai piccoli ospiti dell'Opera. Nice example.
During his early years as a cardinal, Lecaro turned his episcopal palace into an orphanage. He had been seen by Vatican-watchers ever since 1953 as a possible successor to Pius XII. Alas, his reputation as the most idiosyncratic of cardinals and the desire of the church for a transitional pontiff saw Lercaro passed over.
LECARO, Giacomo (1891-1976)