Italian cardinal; papal diplomat; consecrated bishop by Pope St. John XXIII. Created a cardinal by Blessed Paul VI in 1969. Went on to serve as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.
ISP – Inscribed signed photograph: a 4″x6″ black/white, matte-finish studio image by Crescente Rome. The image is dedicated and signed to the son of the late renowned American collector, Robert M. Allen. Dated October 1975. Oddi has penned a dedication and signature on the right vertical panel of the image and also signed on the lower white mount. Very good.
Oddi entered the diplomatic service in 1936, assigned to the Apostolic Delegation in Iran (1945-48). He went on to hold similar posts in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and France. He became head of the Apostolic Nunciature to Yugoslavia. In 1953, Pope Pius XII named him apostolic legate for Jerusalem, Palestine, Transjordan and Cyprus. In 1957, Pope John appointed him internuncio to Egypt, Nuncio to Belgium and Internuncio to Luxembourg.
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