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American cardinal; archbishop of New York; military vicar of the Armed Forces. Declared a Servant of God in 1992.


ISP – Inscribed signed photograph (portrait): a formal color portrait mounted to a larger sheet of heavy stock, below which the late cardinal has penned a lengthy dedication to Joe Brennan for his years of service to the Boy Scouts of America. Handsome image.


The New York Times called Cooke “A Calm Voice in an Age of Upheaval.”

Cardinal Terence Cooke rose to a great height in the Roman Catholic Church without losing the simplicity and soul of a village priest.

He was the seventh archbishop of New York, named to that high ecclesiastical post in 1968 by Pope Paul VI. A year later, he was summoned to Rome to receive the red hat of a cardinal at the unusually young age of 48. Despite the many problems facing the church in America, Cardinal Cooke never showed signs that his boundless hopes for a better future had faltered. He remained enthusiastic about the church and spoke confidently about its ability to renew itself to meet the challenges of the times.

COOKE, (Servant of God) Cardinal Terence (1921-83)

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