Italian cardinal; archbishop of Milan. He led the Milanese archdiocese during World War II and was known to have supported fascism at first. His views changed to opposition after the annexation of Austria and the introduction of Italian Racial Laws prompting vocal criticisms of anti-Christian aspects of Benito Mussolini's regime. His beatification was celebrated in mid-1996 in Saint Peter's Square.
ANS+DS - Autograph Note Signed on heraldic-crested biglietto (correspondence) card dated 17 December 1929. Accompanied by a DS - Document Signed - small engraved calling card with several words in his handwriting (unsigned). Comes with a color reprint image. 1928 BIGLIETTO READS: The cardinal archbishop reciprocates holy Christmas greetings and blessings and takes note of the Holy Confirmation on March 3rd. God bless us all. 17 December 1928. CALLING CARD READS: Cardinal Schuster affectionately wishes all well and blesses the clergy and students.
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